Why my grand uncle flunked in maths
Author: Priyashmita Guha
The 3 idiots…3 IDIOTS INDEED
My take on the 3 idiot controversy – and awards for the 3 idiots
My horoscope matches yours – I am God
The power of horoscope and it has over humans
Let debate remain a debate…all in favour vote aye
Why are debates today less about content and more on personal attacks
The News Media needs a dictionary ..Please contribute
Media and the choice of language
Marxism and the Corporate World
How marxism can help the corporate world
My response to 90% of the marriage ads
My response to all marriage ads
For the one’s whose heart got broken…Life has just begun :)
How to smile even when you have a broken heart or have been dumped
I am dark…and am loving it :)
The men I meet…
The nerds I meet